Featured Album
Forever and Beyond

- - Stay With Me Lord3:43
- - Believe3:52
- - Hope3:42
- - Turn3:16
- - Hallelujah3:33
- - Forever and Beyond2:55
- - When God Whispers Your Name3:42
- - Come on People2:59
- - Heaven’s Listening3:44
Dean DePaolo
Welcome to my new website! A big thank you to my son, Josh, for all of his help in getting this set up! I hope that you enjoy looking around. Please drop me an email at dean@deandepaolo.com if you have any questions. Have a blessed day!
I have been married to my amazing wife, Mary for 33 years and I have three wonderful children, Jessica – 31, Josh – 29, and Julia -22. I also have four grandchildren that I adore. They recently moved out of state and I can’t even begin to express how much I miss them. Anyone that knows me knows that, with the exception of Jesus Christ, my family is my life. I wanted to get married and have children since I was a teenager and God has blessed me with a very loving, caring and close family. I lost my Dad four years ago and I am still trying to recover from the loss of one of my best friends in life. I don’t know how I would have made it through that time in my life without my faith and family.
I came to know the Lord late in life, right about when I turned 40 years old. It never would have happened without my wife, who never gave up on me and never stopped sharing the good news of the Gospel with me. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior as a member of St. Stephen’s Lutheran church in Northglenn, Colorado. I became a member of the Worship Team and discovered my love for singing. I released my first, self titled, CD in 2006 and held a concert and CD release party at St. Stephen’s. I will always be grateful to my pastor, Dave Denzer, and my entire church family for allowing me to use the church and for celebrating the occasion with me. I planted a new church, Joy In Christ, in 2009 and served as the President and on the Worship Team. I learned a lot planting a church and the four years that it was in existence. I recorded my second CD, Forever and Beyond in Nashville, Tennessee and released it on April 26, 2009. I held a release concert at the Bug Theater that day to celebrate with my family and friends. My Dad was able to come out from Connecticut and I will always cherish that special memory with him.
I love music and I love Jesus! I am truly blessed that I am able to combine these passions and to share them with the world. Praise God!

What purpose does God have for my life?
My wife and I are empty nesters and we have been struggling with this question lately. With my youngest daughter graduating from college in a couple of weeks and my oldest daughter and our grandchildren now living out of state, we need to refocus on what God’s plan is for our lives. We have raised three great children, love our amazing grandchildren and are now trying to help our surviving parents as they age. We were foster parents for over three years and that was a very humbling and rewarding experience. What is next for us? I would love to hear your stories of what God has led you to do as your children left home and you moved into the next phase of your lives. Please email me at dean@deandepaolo.com to share. Thanks!